
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Women Ask!

Ubqari Magazine - May 2015

This page is dedicated to women’s domestic and personal matters. Women are requested to write their everyday experiences. Write neatly on one side of the page, does not matter if it is structured well or not.  

Disadvantages of advertised creams:

I wrote you before as well. I have hair on my face, due to which I am worried. You asked me to make hard flour dough with a little bit of salt and ghee and rub it on the face. I followed your advice, it benefitted me lot but I still have hair on my upper lip. (Mahjabeen, Chakwal)

Advice: Dear Mahjabeen! Nowadays there are many advertisements of different creams in newspapers and magazines. The young girls apply these creams which harm their faces with allergy. They have acne, black spots and sometimes excessive facial hair growth. Few days ago, a girl came to me who had big cysts on her face and had black complexion. She told that she bought an expensive cream for white complexion, she applied it for two three days, the fourth day, her face became black and pimples turned into big ganglions. Now she is taking laser treatment to remove facial hair. It is quite an expensive and painful treatment. She had to suffer a lot by using such cream. Ninety percent of the girls and boys have to face problems due to applying these creams. Each skin has its own temperament; normal, dry and oily skins have separate requirements. Applying oily creams on oily skin would increase acne.

Traditional methods of treatment are more suitable. Gram and mustard oil cake, jasmine oil cake, almond oil cake are soaked in milk to apply on face. It cleanses the face and reduces hair growth. Make hard dough of half cup flour, one table spoon ghee and some water. Rubbing it well on the face stops hair growth. For fair complexion, put one table spoon of milk in a plate and add quarter spoon lemon juice in it. The milk would turn sour; apply it well on the face. Clean the face after half an hour with cotton soaked in warm milk. The face will glow within a few days.  Right now there is no particular tip to remove upper lip hair, rub your upper lip with salt lump after threading; it will slow down the hair growth.

Fashion craze and…

I am sixteen years old. One year ago I did my hair brown and now I have changed it to golden. My hair has become rough and do not grow; now I want to die it with balsam. My mother is very angry with me she says that now my hair will not grow longer. How should I die my hair? (Hina Maryam, Abbottabad)

Advice: Hina your mother is right; dying the hair again and again stops its growth. You are young and natural hair color suits you. Young or old, all are crazy after fashion. You said that your hair has become rough. Bring half kg dry Indian gooseberry (amla), soak half cup gooseberries in three glass water for night and boil on low heat in the morning. Also add half beetroot and its leaves in the water. After the water reduces to one glass, strain it and apply well in the hair when gets cold. Wash your hair with the remaining water after fifteen minutes; do not shampoo your hair. Repeat it twice a week. Mix two table spoons mustard oil in half cup yogurt and massage your hair with it once a week. Wash your hair with some quality shampoo after half an hour. Your hair will shine and start growing. Almond oil cake is available in the market, mix three table spoons of almond oil cake in half cup of boiling milk, shake it well and it will raise. Apply it in the hair and wash after ten minutes. Your hair will look soft and beautiful; using it regularly will give shine to your hair. You can also use it to wash face and hands.

Supporting the orphan and widow:  

Allah blessed me with a son after marriage. In a road accident, I and my son were badly injured and my husband could not survive.  My son is twelve years old and I am the only daughter of my parents, my father has died. I want to marry now but no proposal accepts my son. I do not want to leave my son, tell me what should I do?

(An anxious mother)

Advice: Do not know why in our society, we feel ashamed of supporting the orphans and widows. What should a young widow do and how she can leave her son? I would suggest this lady that Allah is sufficient for all, bow your head before Him and pray, in sha Allah some compassionate person will be there to hold your hand.

School bag zip:

Children’s school bag zip really bothers and it is hard to unzip it quickly. Suggest some tip to the mother. (Saniya)

Advice: Pencil led is available in the market or take led from any old pencil, rub it well on the zip. It will fix the zip.

Kitten: I have a four five days small pet kitten; my family wants me to send it away from home. I am worried. (Noor Fatima)

Advice: Usually, cat’s fur causes problems. The kitten is too small so don’t leave it but be careful not to let it come in the bed. Make it sleep in a small box at night. After two months it will grow big and find food for itself. 

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